Scientific studies have shown that vitamin C is very useful for preventing infections and ailments typical of the winter season as it strengthens the immune system. So taking it not only prevents, but also helps you heal faster! By taking an excellent quantity of Vitamin C, the duration of cold symptoms can even be halved!

Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is the most famous and useful vitamin for the winter season but not only! It brings various benefits to the body, it is a powerful antioxidant and therefore anti-aging, it also promotes the production of collagen, helps to eliminate accumulated toxins and strengthen bones and teeth, furthermore it also plays a fundamental role for the metabolism, in fact it stimulates the absorption of some minerals such as iron and assists the synthesis of fats and proteins.

It is recommended to eat foods rich in vitamin C fresh and raw as it easily volatilizes in contact with air, light and heat. Drinking freshly prepared juices, extracts and centrifuged juices would be ideal to maximize your intake.
The minimum daily amount of Vitamin C to take is 45-60 mg, but various specialists recommend much higher quantities.