
Multiple sclerosis: symptoms and difficulties for humans

Multiple sclerosis is a chronic disease of the central nervous system that mainly affects young people. This is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks myelin, the protective tissue that surrounds the nerves in the brain and spinal cord. Symptoms of multiple sclerosis can vary depending on which area of ​​the central nervous… Continue reading Multiple sclerosis: symptoms and difficulties for humans


Multiple sclerosis: problems for women

Multiple sclerosis is a chronic, autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous system. It often affects women of childbearing age , with a ratio of 2:1 compared to men. The condition manifests itself differently from person to person, but the most common symptoms include fatigue, muscle weakness, vision problems, loss of balance and difficulty controlling… Continue reading Multiple sclerosis: problems for women


Mesothelioma: risk factors for humans

Mesothelioma is a malignant tumor arising from the cells of the mesothelium, a thin lining found around the lungs, abdomen and other parts of the body. The main cause of this disease is exposure to asbestos, a toxic substance found in old buildings, insulating fabrics, pipes and construction materials. This type of cancer mainly affects… Continue reading Mesothelioma: risk factors for humans


Mesothelioma: women are more sensitive

Mesothelioma is a dangerous type of cancer that affects the tissue of the body's internal organs, known as the mesothelium. While it is commonly associated with exposure to asbestos, a chemical used in construction and manufacturing, exposure to toxic substances such as silica, cadmium, and beryllium can also cause the disease. Additionally, women are generally… Continue reading Mesothelioma: women are more sensitive


HIV: specific treatments for men

HIV is a virus that attacks the body's immune system, facilitating disease and infection. The transmission of HIV through contact with infected blood, body fluids, and sexual organs has been the subject of intense scientific research and widespread support for disease prevention and treatment. The HIV virus is one of the most feared diseases in… Continue reading HIV: specific treatments for men


HIV: infections and treatments in women

The HIV virus is a disease that can affect both men and women. However, women may experience infection differently than men and therefore require specific HIV therapies. In women, in fact, the infection can be difficult to detect and, therefore, can be treated late. Women living with HIV may also face social and cultural issues… Continue reading HIV: infections and treatments in women


Atopic dermatitis: symptoms and treatments for humans

Atopic dermatitis affects up to 20% of the population and is the most common form of eczema . This is a very annoying condition that leads to the appearance of itching, redness, dryness and flaking of the skin . But what are the causes of atopic dermatitis in humans? In reality, the causes of atopic… Continue reading Atopic dermatitis: symptoms and treatments for humans


Possible causes of atopic dermatitis in women

Atopic dermatitis is a chronic skin condition that causes dry, itchy, red skin in different parts of the body . Although it can occur at any age, it usually begins in childhood and appears to be more common in women, possibly due to skin and estrogen sensitivity. Atopic dermatitis may be linked to the menstrual… Continue reading Possible causes of atopic dermatitis in women
