Atopic dermatitis: symptoms and treatments for humans

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Atopic dermatitis affects up to 20% of the population and is the most common form of eczema . This is a very annoying condition that leads to the appearance of itching, redness, dryness and flaking of the skin . But what are the causes of atopic dermatitis in humans? In reality, the causes of atopic dermatitis are still being studied and the understanding of the disease is not yet complete. However, there are some factors that appear to be related to its appearance. Atopic dermatitis is a genetic disease , meaning it is linked to specific genes that predispose to the onset of the condition. If one or both parents have suffered from eczema, bronchial hyperactivity or allergies, the risk of developing atopic dermatitis increases considerably. Furthermore, atopic dermatitis is a multifactorial disease, in which several factors can contribute to the onset of the condition. Among these, the climate can play a fundamental role , since excessive dryness of the air can lead to dehydration of the skin, which becomes more susceptible to the onset of dermatitis. Stress can also be a determining factor in the appearance of atopic dermatitis , as it can alter the immune system and make the skin more sensitive to irritation . Other factors that can contribute to the appearance of atopic dermatitis are the presence of microorganisms on the skin, the use of irritating or aggressive cosmetic products, exposure to chemicals , such as detergents or disinfectant products, and diet. In fact, some research has shown that certain foods can worsen the symptoms of atopic dermatitis, such as cow's milk, eggs, wheat and seafood . For this reason, specific diets can be useful, which aim to avoid the intake of these foods. It occurs mainly in children, but can also affect adults and results from a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Mites, tiny animals belonging to the Arachnida family, represent one of the triggers of the disease, as they feed on the skin and hide in mattresses and pillows, where contact with our body is prolonged. Atopic dermatitis can manifest itself in different ways depending on the age of the patient and the symptoms can be itching, rashes all over the body or dry and scaly skin. The diagnosis is based on the patient's symptoms and medical history , and in some cases skin tests may be ordered to determine any allergies. Treatment varies based on the severity of symptoms and may be a combination of medications and avoiding triggers. Doctors recommend the use of topical corticosteroids or immunomodulators for mild forms, while in more severe forms phototherapy can also be used and/or prescribed antihistamines, topical corticosteroids, moisturizing creams and topical immunomodulators. It is important to avoid food allergies, wear light cotton fabrics, avoid frequent washing and keep your skin clean and hydrated. Atopic dermatitis is a chronic disease that can impact a patient's quality of life, but by managing symptoms with a combination of medications and avoiding triggers, many people are able to manage it. Most children recover gradually as adults, but some people may continue to experience symptoms and their life course may be improved through management of symptoms and prevention of skin infections and allergies.

In conclusion, atopic dermatitis is a complex disease that can be determined by several factors, including genetics, climate, stress, use of cosmetic products and diet. Although there is no definitive cure for atopic dermatitis, there are several pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies that can reduce the symptoms of the disease and improve patients' quality of life.

Published: 2023-05-29From: Redazione

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